• Yes. PO Box and Parcel Locker addresses can be entered as the shipping address at the checkout.

  • We only ship within Australia and New Zealand.

  • Sometimes our confirmation emails go to the junk/spam folder. If it’s not there, please email our team at web@fswshoes.com.au and we can send it to you again.

  • We aim to dispatch all orders from our warehouse between 1-4 business days. If you have concerns about the timeframe of your order being shipped, please contact us and we will do our best to get your order fast tracked.

  • You should receive tracking information from Australia Post once your order has been shipped. If you do not receive anything please email web@fswshoes.com.au and we can send you the tracking number.

  • Sometimes orders are shipped in multiple parcels from different locations. Split orders generally arrive within a couple of days of each other. Please get in contact with us if you believe that part of your order is missing.

  • You can return your order to us by purchasing an Australia Post return label online https://return.auspost.com.au/FSW_SHOES.

    This label can be used to return as many pairs to us as you like for a flat rate of $13.10. Return labels are available for Australia only.

    Alternatively, goods may be returned to any FSW retail store
    or posted to:

    Attention: Web Team
    Unit 2, 4 Dacre St
    Mitchell ACT 2911

    For more information on the returns process please see our Returns and Exchanges page: https://www.fswshoes.com.au/policies/refund-policy

  • Please send an email to web@fswshoes.com.au with photos of what you have received and we can advise you on the return procedure.

  • Yes. Online orders can be returned to any of our stores as long as the shoes have not been worn, are still in the original box and you have an invoice or receipt.

    Our store locations can be found using our store locator https://www.fswshoes.com.au/pages/store-locator

  • If you have a gift card please email us at web@fswshoes.com.au with the gift card number, what you would like to purchase, and your delivery information. We can process any additional payments over the phone if required.